Author Jae Malone’s Winterne Series
Please do take a look at the following pages. There are several recent updates on the News and Events pages.
And don’t forget, you can contact me anytime on either my Jae Malone Facebook page, or by email at
From a personal point of view, this has been a good year. Following the release of ‘From Knight to Knave’ two years ago, the reviews of the book from readers have been very positive, and inspire me to continue writing. In addition, I now have readers in Canada, America, Australia and New Zealand, which is absolutely thrilling.
And so I continue to write. I am currently working on two short stories for my anthology – which I hope to release mid-2024 – and it is planned that Maisie’s story will be out next year.
I have no additional events to add to my 2024 calendar, but please keep an eye on my Events page or my Jae Malone Facebook page for further updates.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
The Launch of ‘When Wolves Cry’.
On Tuesday 21st November, there was a small launch party for this final volume in The Winterne Series, held at The Bonington Theatre in Arnold. The launch was fun, the atmosphere was warm and friendly, and, together with a couple of readings, our lovely host, Mark Dennison, asked a number of questions, and then invited our audience to ask their own questions. Flying Shark Media organised the live streaming and the event went out live. Lots of people viewed it live and many have been in touch to say how much they enjoyed it – which is fabulous. It is still available, if you would like to see it, and this is the link:
Next on my agenda is completion of the story based on rescued dogs. I have already started this one, and I am using what we know about the background of our Romanian rescue dog, Maisie. It should be finished early in the New Year and I’m not sure yet whether it will be a standalone book and published as one of my animal stories for younger children, or included in my collection of short stories. That decision will be based on it’s length once it is finished.
I am thrilled to say ‘From Knight to Knave’ is still receiving five star reviews on Amazon UK…and it seems there are some on Amazon CA (Canada), which is fantastic.
Together with the monthly writing workshops, I am running for children, I am also inviting people of over fifty years of age and who enjoy writing – or would like to know how to start writing for fun – to join in a free creative writing workshop, once a week for six weeks, starting in the New Year. It will be held at Arnold Library, and if you are interested in taking part, then please email me at to let me know what day, or days, of the week would be the most convenient for you. Of course, I will have to arrange this for the day that is most popular.
So the next year or so are going to be pretty busy! Please keep an eye out for updates on my Facebook page.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
In the meantime, here’s a trailer, with hints of things to come, created for me by the talented and ingenious team at Flying Shark Media.
From Knight to Knave continues to receive the most fabulous five star reviews, and I am so grateful to my readers for taking the time to post evaluations of the book on Amazon and Goodreads. I have had a number of requests to write books telling the stories of three main characters, before they appeared in From Knight to Knave. The characters readers would like to know more about are Will Hallett, Arthur Burnel and Edith Chapman. I must say the idea of writing these back stories is intriguing. I thoroughly enjoyed the research carried out for From Knight to Knave and would be very interested in writing more historical stories. So watch this space or look for my posts on Facebook.
On Friday, 4th June, we held the launch of ‘From Knight to Knave’ streamed online to YouTube at 3.30pm. The venue was the art gallery in Sherwood, Nottingham, A Room Full of Butterflies. Click on the image to view the launch video.
Other books by Jae Malone.

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During the writing of ‘Silver Linings’, I had originally thought it would be a stand-alone book but my characters thought otherwise. They were not prepared to let things end there and soon after completing that first book, Sam, Jenny, Charlie and my elven friends began nagging at me to get fingers back to keyboard and tell the next part of the tale. And, they weren’t satisfied with stopping at the second volume ‘Queen of Diamonds’. Still they wanted more…and they got it when ‘Fool’s Gold’ was created and completed what I had come to believe would stay as a trilogy.

After a considerable wait while I was too busy with event organising and various other commitments, ‘Avaroc’s Return’ is now available. All books in ‘The Winterne Series’ can be ordered online from Amazon or book stores.

‘Lorna and the Loch Ness Monster’ and ‘The Raven and the Thief’ are the first two books in a series for younger children who love to read. They are not picture books, although there are a few images for interest. The books are intended to give more text to read than a picture book would usually offer. Further books in this series will be aimed at gentle awareness of current issues regarding wildlife, particularly in connection with culling and litter pollution. At present, two of these books, ‘Blue Teaches a Lesson’ featuring Blue, a badger with three playful cubs, and ‘Mrs Pringles Needs a Nurse’, which explains that just because bread and milk were always fed to hedgehogs in the past, it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to feed them.

I love writing and I thoroughly enjoy being involved in the village and surrounding area of the Mendip Hills in Somerset. The characters in my stories are very close to my heart. They are a blend of people I have known and imagination. Having lived in Somerset and Dorset, the West Country has always been a very special, magical place making it easy to believe in elves and legendary characters.I hope you will find affection for the wonderful people who populate my stories and, if you have never visited the area, I hope you will find a time to go and explore this wonderful part of Britain and enjoy the scenery, the history and the people of the area.More about Jae Malone. . .